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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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CCDBAngiospermsMontiaceaeMontiaMontia fontana L.

26 chromosome counts in Montia fontana L.:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 CHROBASE LARSEN K., LAEGAARD S. - 1971. Chromosome studies of the sicilian flora.. Bot. Tidsskr. , 66(3): 249-268.
  Montia arvensis Wallr. Montia fontana L.   20 Slovakia Database Májovský J. et al., 1978: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 6). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 26: 1-42.
  Montia arvensis Wallr. Montia fontana L.   20 Slovakia Database Uhríková A. & Králik E., 2000: Karyologické štúdium slovenskej flóry XXIX. - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 40: 17-22.
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 IAPT/IOPB IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 14
!   Montia fontana subsp. fontana Montia fontana L.   20 Dawson New Zealand  
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 British Isles cytology Bailey, J.P., Gornall, R.J. Bot. J. Scotl. : ()
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 flora of NW Europe http://wbd.etibioinformatics.nl/bis/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=1875
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN online Probatova. 2006. Further chromosome studies on vascular plant species from Sakhalin, Moneron and Kurile Islands. Biodivers. Biogeogr. Kuril Islands Sakhalin 2: 93–110.
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN online Probatova. 2006. Further chromosome studies on vascular plant species from Sakhalin, Moneron and Kurile Islands. Biodivers. Biogeogr. Kuril Islands Sakhalin 2: 93–110.
  Montia lamprosperma Cham. Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN online ZHUKOVA, P. G. 1982. Chromosome numbers of some plant species of north-eastern Asia. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 67 (3): 360–365.
!   Montia fontana subsp. fontana Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN online Dalgaard, V. 1989. Additional chromosome numbers in vascular plants from the Disko Bugt area (west Greenland). Willdenowia 19: 199–213.
!   Montia hallii (A. Gray) Greene Montia fontana L.   18, 20 IPCN online Burea, P. & F. Dvo|3rák. 1988. Contribution to the study of variability of Montia hallii (A. Gray) Greene. Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Purkyn. Brun. 18: 365–376.
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20,40 IPCN66 Nilsson 1966b
!   Montia hallii (A. Gray) Greene Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN66 Nilsson 1966b
  Montia lamprosperma Cham. Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN66 Zhukova 1966
!   Montia linearifolia d'Urv. Montia fontana L.   40 IPCN66 Nilsson 1966b
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN67-71 LARSEN, K., & s. LAGAARD. 1971. Chromosome studies of the Sicilian flora. Bot. Tidsskr. 66: 2Q9-268.
  Montia lamprosperma Cham. Montia fontana L.   20 IPCN67-71 JOHNSON, A.W., & J.G. PACKER. 1968. Chromosome numbers in the flora of Ogotruk Creek, N.W. Alaska. Bot. Not. 121: 403-456.
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20,40 eFlora  
!   Montia lamprosperma Cham. Montia fontana L.   18 Darlington, 1955 Hagerup 1941b
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   18 C-values database Bennett MD, Smith JB, Lewis Smith RI. 1982. DNA amounts of angiosperms from the Antarctic and South Georgia. Environmental and Experimental Botany 22: 307-318.
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 Cave1963 D. M. Moore 1963b
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   18, 20 Cave1963 D. M. Moore 1963b
  Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 CromoCat 2015 Probatova, N.S. & Barkalov, V. Y. & Rudyka, E. G. & Pavlova, N. S. (2006). Further chromosome studies on vascular plant species from Sakhalin, Moneron and Kurile Islands Biodiversity and Biogeography of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin 2:93–110
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 CromoCat 2015 Dalgaard, V. (1989). Additional chromosome numbers in vascular plants from the Disko Bugt area (west Greenland). Willdenowia 19: 199-213.
!   Montia fontana L. Montia fontana L.   20 CromoCat 2015 Runemark, H. (1996). Mediterranean chromosome number reports-6 Fl. Medit. 6: 223-243.